CocoaPods manages library dependencies for your Xcode projects. It’s one of the largest dependencies providers to millions of iOS developers worldwide.
There are 2 ways to install CocoaPods :
- Mac App: download from mac app and start it
- Manually: Manual installation is well documented and simple enough to use.
However, there are certain more steps that you need to perform to get it working. This post will help you in understandig those steps.
- Open a terminal
- navigate to project folder(containing projectname.xcodeproj).
- enter command pod init
- this will create a Podfile in your project folder.
- do not open the Podfile in the terminal.
- open Podfile in the Xcode using command open -a Xcode Podfile.
- go to
- Search for the dependency e.g Alamofire.
- Expand Alamofire
- Click on the button “Installation Guide” located on right side(Scroll down a bit).
- Copy and paste pod ‘Alamofire’, ‘~> 4.5’ into your Podfile
- target ‘MyApp’ do
- pod ‘Alamofire’, ‘~> 4.5’
- end
- save it.
- go back to your terminal.
- type command pod install and press enter.
- It will add the dependency.
- Now open finder go to your project folder and open ProjectName.xcworkspace
- Don’t open the project from Xcode it will by default open .xcodeproj.
- And you won’t be able to resolve the module you imported in that.
- After you open the project.
- Before importing the module build the project.
- after the build succeeds feel free to use it.