The official health department of China has confirmed the existence of an epidemic virus that can scourge the population. The virus was first detected in Wuhan city of China in early December.
This mysterious member of a wide coronavirus family is named as 2019-nCoV, which spreads from human-to-human coming in proximity akin to other respiratory viruses.
It has been compared to the historical plague and is very similar to the severe acute respiratory syndrome outbreak that caused 774 fatalities out of more than 8,500 infected people.
The Origin of Coronavirus Outbreak
Coronavirus is linked to the virus found in bats, scientists believe that bats are the real hosts of the virus and the outbreak started from the animal slaughter market of Wuhan city.
The coronavirus might have been transmitted through bats but the reason for the perilous spread of coronavirus is the human-to-human transmission.
Medical officials have said that the virus can be transmitted through the dispersed droplets of saliva or mucus obtained via sneezing and coughing. When a person sneezes, the droplets of the body fluid can travel up to several feet and remains suspended in the atmosphere for more than 10 minutes.
Anyone who comes in contact with the dispersed infected droplets or touches the surface where the infected droplets are landed might get infected by the virus. The virus droplets can survive up to a few hours to a few days on the surface.
How Corona virus App can Help Understand the Coronavirus Outbreak
The outbreak of mysterious coronavirus can turn out to be potentially lethal ailments. As this respiratory disease is spreading quickly, it is important to spread awareness just as quickly among the people to control the outbreak.
The coronavirus tracker app includes the following features:
Coronavirus Update & News
Coronavirus monitoring application can be integrated with technologies like AI and ML help to spot an early warning about the coronavirus outbreak. This interactive app pulls data from various authentic sources like WHO, CDC, and others.
The application also fetches the information, reports and, news corroborated by other mediums. All the information fetched from the available sources is verified first then displayed on the dashboard which makes the application a reliable source of information.

Coronavirus Map
The application allows for real-time tracking of the coronavirus affected areas via map integration. The number of coronavirus cases is continuously changing and a real-time map quickly tracks the spread of coronavirus.
This interactive map fetches the data from the regional health departments, WHO and CDC to populate a worldwide map view of coronavirus affected areas in real-time.
As soon as the global health agencies confirm the infected cases, the map API validates the data and updates it on the coronavirus map view. The map also pinpoints the areas where infected people are being treated and diagnosed.
The region with more number of encountered cases is shown by the larger dot on the map.
Coronavirus map also displays the recovered cases, fatalities, and severely infected cases. A person can easily track the coronavirus in real-time with a coronavirus map.
Coronavirus Symptoms
Coronavirus monitoring app displays the symptoms of the Wuhan coronavirus as detected by the WHO, NHS, and CDC. According to all the reported cases, the symptoms of the coronavirus infection can be seen in a period of 2 to 14 days.
The app can help in preventing the spread of the coronavirus by letting people know the symptoms of the disease so that they can immediately consult a doctor if they encounter any symptom in themselves.
The application includes the following coronavirus symptoms:
- Runny nose
- Sore throat
- Cough
- Headache
- Shortness of breaths
- Fever
Coronavirus Precautions
To control the coronavirus outbreak, people must be aware of the standard precautions. The coronavirus app provides containment measures so that people can avoid being infected by the virus.
For the coronavirus prevention, you need to consider the following precautions:
- Wash your hands more often with an antiseptic hand wash or soap for at least 20 seconds
- Use an alcohol-based sanitizer before touching your face, nose, and mouth. Never touch your face with unwashed hands
- Avoid coming in the proximity of the people infected with coronavirus
- If you are infected by the coronavirus, avoid going out in the public to control the outbreak
- Whenever you are sneezing or coughing, cover your mouth with a tissue and dispose of it in the dustbin
- Disinfect the objects frequently used by you with an antibacterial liquid.
If you encountered more than 3 symptoms in yourself then immediately consult a doctor for a quick diagnosis of 2019-nCoV. Install the corona app to stay updated about the coronavirus outbreak and stay safe.