There is an amazing app idea buzzing in your mind and you are not sure how to execute it and where to start from? Don’t worry, it happens with almost all of us. Successfully bringing an idea to life and converting its potential to profits takes a lot of hard work. If you are an entrepreneur or aspire to become one, it might not be possible for you to invest thousands of bucks in mobile app development and hence, MVP development is the best option for you.
Although, if you are capable enough of hiring people from a fortune for quick MVP development for your company then well & good but if not then with some planning and methodical work on your part, you can execute your idea in a simpler way by building an MVP.
A simple app can be developed in a week and we know how (Yes, we do). Our team has completed many urgent projects within a week and produced the best outcomes to meet the exact requirements of clients, from design to deployment.
How to Develop a Mobile App in a Week
You must be wondering, how can you develop an app in 7 days? Right? After all, you’ve seen many applications that took a lot of time and effort to develop.
Worry not because all it takes is proper planning and skills to develop your own mobile app in a week (of course, with certain risks). In any case, with a well-planned strategy and right development flow, this can be achieved.
With our experience, we have prepared a guide to help app developers build an app in just 7 days.
Note that this guide is for building Android apps that require lower development efforts as compared to iOS apps.

Also Read: Quick MVP Development Software : Flutter
Let’s get started!
- Step 1:
- After brainstorming the app idea, sit with your team, and discuss the overall flow and user journey.
- Explore all the similar mobile applications available out there
- List the most important features you need in your app. Note that this step is important. Including unnecessary features will result in increased development time.
- Develop a single page website with just one landing page to gather potential leads, describe your product on the page, and add a form to get emails from your potential customer. This will help you in analyzing the demand for your product in the market, also known as Product-Market Fit.
- After developing the landing page and getting its insights, you can decide to proceed whether you want to start the development process or not. Note that this step is crucial if you want to minimize the risks.
- Once you have decided the idea, make sure to start to work parallelly on legal things like privacy policies, terms & conditions, disclaimers, etc. These will be required when releasing the app on the Play store.
Also read: How to Optimize Landing Page to Increase Conversions?
- Step 2: You’re now going to make the app’s design and the app itself.
- To make a sleek and quick app design, reuse prebuilt design components and themes from here. Using pre-built components will save a lot of time and effort.
- Along with the core development, app design and the user experience is equally important because the user first interacts with the UI/UX of any app. The user interface design has to be appealing, interactive, simple and easy-to-navigate.
- A word of caution- do not dwell on the design too much. Nothing is perfect. Our ultimate aim is to build the app as soon as possible.
- As for development, we suggest using Flutter as it makes it very easy to build any kind of UI. From our experience, we can say that the development time is 30% less as compared to native Android when apps are built with Flutter.
- Make sure to include Firebase analytics to analyze the app in real-time.
- Step 3: Backend development is a crucial part of mobile app development in most cases unless you’re not storing any data from your users (which is very rare). Backend stores the app data and executes the logic. Backend is as important as a frontend for MVP development.
- For building an app MVP in just a week, we suggest you should use prebuilt backends such as Firebase, Parse Server, etc.
- If you plan to build a custom backend, make sure to use a framework (like Laravel) and use the free-offerings like AWS, GCP & Azure.
- No matter what you plan to use, the backend must be responsive and secure, after all, it’s storing your users’ data.
- Step 4: Now that we’ve developed the app base including frontend and backend, it is time to put all the blocks together.
- Make sure to separate the test and production environments of the backend and build multiple variants of the app for them. This will be helpful when distributing the app internally for testing and QA.
- If you don’t have a developer’s account then sign up for it, as the account verification process takes a few days.
- Parallelly, before launching the app, use your social media influence to build a strong audience base, it will fulfill your marketing purposes.

- Step 5: Start testing your app
- Before distributing the app even for internal testing, make sure to get it passed from QA. Since we’re running on short notice, it’s better to skip the complete testing cycle and directly test the app on the device.
- The most important thing to test is the crashes. You don’t want your users to feel frustrated when your app keeps crashing.
- Android is notorious when it comes to app stability. Because of so many OEMs and vendors building their custom versions of Android, some features may or may not work on all the devices. Make sure to acquire as many different devices as possible, running different versions of Android.
- If there are bugs, make sure to file them in tools like Phabricator, Asana, etc. You’ll need them once you go live with the app and plan it’s further life-cycle.
- Once the QA testing is passed, distribute your application internally and ask your team members to go through the application and report any bug or issue they find. Internal testing will save a lot of your time, and you can instantly use the feedback to improve the app.
- If time allows, test the beta version of your application on the Firebase testing platform.
- Repeat the testing cycle until the application is stable to be released.
- Do not overdo testing. There’ll be some bugs that you’ll have to ignore.
- Step 6: The application is all set to be deployed on the Google Play Store.
- Create a new app on the Google Play Console and fill all the required details like title, description, screenshots, privacy policy, etc.
- Make the description searchable. Add multiple keywords to it so that your users can search your app easily.
- Usually, it takes 24-48 hours for the app to be available on the release track but in certain cases, it can take up to 7 days. Google now reviews each app that’s submitted for release. Google’s review process.
- After releasing the app, keep an eye on the analytics of the app using Firebase console.
- Make sure to read and reply to the reviews you get on your app on the Play store.
Congratulations! You just finished your MVP in just a week!. Now it’s time to retrospect and understand your users’ demands and expectations.
If you are looking for a mobile app development company for quick app development, contact us at